Saturday, August 1, 2009

Master Bedroom - Original

While I'm waiting for this day to get going, I may as well get some more pictures up (while I have the time). I don't have a lot of pictures of the original master bedroom, but it can pretty much be summed up with one word: green. Dark green linoleum floors, medium green closet doors, light green walls. Green, green, green. (Sam and I went to see Catch Me If You Can at Seattle's musical theater last night; I bet all this green would've been considered excessive even in Frank Abagnale Jr's time.)

The room is about 14'x10', or maybe bigger. I'm no good at estimating and don't have the plans with me right now. It has a window that faces north to the townhomes next door. This is one of the few windows in the house that actually opens. Right now, the bedroom is down the hall from the bathroom, but those will be combined into a master suite, with a walk-through closet separating bed and bath. I imagine this will make the bedroom itself a little smaller, but there's room to spare in there.


  1. Funny about the green in the bedroom, it reminds me of when I first started working on my condo and made the delightful discovery of the orignal paint job of the living room. The back wall was magenta, and at one time (my Mom speculated it was all at once) the wall to the right was baby blue and the wall to the left was some horrible shade of lilac. My place must have looked like a freaking fun house! Aaah, the memories...Mostly the joy of renovating is trying to figure out what in God's name was going through these people's minds when they were decorating? Had the meds not kicked in?

  2. It's too bad they took the funhouse mirror with them when they moved.
