Saturday, September 12, 2009

Plumbing and Heating Pictures

UPDATE: Apparently those aren't hoses. They're flexible pipes, which is what all the fancy people are using these days. They expand better than rigid pipes, which means there's a smaller chance of having a pipe burst in the winter.


To be honest, I don't really understand all of what the plumbers and heat guys have been doing. Hopefully you've gotten some sense of the progress there from previous posts. This post is just to show you the pretty pictures.

Here's our water heater. It heats water for the entire house. See how tiny it is? I think I've seen burrito platters bigger than that. The water heater sits in the laundry closet upstairs. As you can see, we also have a heat vent going through that closet. This means we need to get a stackable washer and dryer if we want to maintain any storage space at all. Fortunately, it looks like you can get some pretty nice stackers over at Home Depot.

Ben showed us these hoses (is that even the right term?) to explain why we were going to have killer water pressure for our showers. Apparently the vertical hoses in the picture are bigger than normal, while the horizontal hoses coming out of them (and leading to the bathroom) are standard size. This creates a bottleneck of sorts, and increases the water pressure going into the bathroom.

There's really no point to this picture, except to say that it sure is nice to have shiny new things every once in a while.

And this picture isn't really about heating/plumbing, though you can see where we'll have a vent that helps in the whole process of pumping cool air from the basement and putting it into the main floor. (It's not quite air conditioning, but should be nice in the summers.) Instead, this picture is really about showing you our beautiful new stairs leading up to the bonus loft. I realized that I didn't have a very good picture posted of these yet.

Ah, what a feast for the eyes.

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